Yes – It aint rocket science.

And we said in Part One that if you are finding it difficult to scale advisory ACROSS your practice then the first thing you need to do is avoid making it niche and separate – everyone needs to see, experience and understand Advisory. Just like accounts and tax preparation – everyone needs to know that this is what we do, why we do it and how we do it.

We’ve looked at onboarding and creating process and SOP’s or standard operating processes, now let’s look at Prospecting to win new advisory led clients

Ask yourself these questions.

  • What do you do when you have a meeting with a potential new client that differentiates you from your competitors and that you can leverage across your practice?
  • What do you do that creates consistency and process and greater conversion rates for better quality clients?
  • What do you do that establishes an advisory led relationship that goes beyond the lip service approach of many accountants where their website claims they are business advisors but actually not a lot happens in practice?

And even better what can you offer as a magnet to attract interest from the sort of clients that will increase your average spend per client?

Within CAS Complete Advisory Solution we recommend offering potential new clients not just a boring “free initial conversation” like most of your competitors do but something exciting and different and tangible with real value.

For a potential new business client or personal client let’s take the client through a simple but powerful 30 minute process with colour and graphics and a tangible short report at the end of it that facilitates the client to tell you what help they want in what areas of their business and personal life – note business and personal.

One of the keys to scaling advisory is to establish this in your practice as the process that everyone follows whenever there is a potential new client meeting so that you have true consistency and quality control plus a process that you can teach your up and coming people and thus accelerate their development.

In Part Three we will look at scaling your core primary advisory offering to create recurring advisory income streams.

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